Line Breakers


Here are Warlord Games' latest British/Celtic figures - 'Line Breakers'. They're a fun idea - the notion being that of fanatical warriors hurling themselves into/onto the enemy line in the hope of making a breakthrough.  The figures are superbly sculpted and vigorously animated.  They have separate heads, so I 'equipped' four of them with the original heads, and four of them with heads from the Ancient British Warriors boxed set.

In addition to those, I painted another dozen Britons, cobbled together out of my lead mountain - a chieftain and some command figures from Wargames Foundry's Gallic range, plus half a dozen Warlord plastics made up of bits from my spares box.  Photos of all of them can be seen here: link.

Copyright © Dr. P.C. Hendry, 2010