Dismounted Savaran


I've just realised I hadn't posted any pictures of these guys on my blog!  They're the new Aventine Miniatures dismounted Savaran, which I'm intending to use as assault troops in sieges - and possibly sometimes to 'bolster' the Sassanid infantry during field battles.  Shield transfers are some new ones from Steve at Little Big Men Studios (which I would provide a link to, but they don't seem to be in his web-shop yet) - lovely as always.  My figures wouldn't look half so good without Steve's creations!  I have another couple of dozen of these to paint, but I seem to be painting Gripping Beasts' Harold Godwinson and his brothers first instead…  Not sure why, other than that I fancied tackling them!

Copyright © Dr. P.C. Hendry, 2010