My Blog

AVGVSTVS to AVRELIAN Part the Second

I present another 'chunk' from the 'Designer's Notes' section of the rules, edited only to make them fit the blog format. These notes contain some more of the history and motivation behind the project, as well as touching on game play and the wargamer's bugbear: basing.

We wargamers are always searching for the perfect rules for any given period.  …


Several people have asked me, here on this blog and in other places, to tell them a little more about AVGVSTVS to AVRELIAN.  It's very difficult to know what to write, without reproducing chunks of the rules as some sort of 'part-work'.  Making a start isn't very difficult - below I present a slightly edited version of the introduction to the rules, as it stands now.  …

An Horrible Smell!

Apologies for the lack of updates lately.  I haven't really been doing anything much worthy of blogging.  I'm still, very slowly, working on my terrain boards for Partizan.  The length of time I've been on with them, anyone would think they were going to be really spectacular - well, sorry to disappoint anyone, but they aren't - progress is slow because I'm busy, but also because I've more or less run out of storage space for terrain.  …

The Eagle

When I was a boy, Rosemary Sutcliff's 'The Eagle of the Ninth' was one of my favourite stories.  That two films, one based on the events surrounding the supposed, disputed, disappearance of Legio VIIII (or IX) Hispana in Northern Britain (Centurion), and a second, following Sutcliff's story of an attempt to discover what had happened to the legion, and recover its eagle, filled me with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.  …

Copyright © Dr. P.C. Hendry, 2010