Another Cohort of Roman Auxilia

Auxiliary Cohort

Hello all!  I managed to get my grubby paws on a Foundry Roman 'Engineer', mopping his brow, for the Onager crew.  I thought about removing his dolabra (pick) and replacing it with something, but in the end decided not to - a pick might well be of use to an onager crewman, and that way I can still use him as an engineer if I want to.  So that little diorama/unit is finished, and it looks pretty good, even if I say it as shouldn't.  There are a couple of photos in the First Century Romans album.

Today I have finished another unit of Romans for the 'Fire in the East' project.  Photos can be seen in the Third Century Roman Photo Album.  I have some spare shield transfers for these guys, so I might turn this unit into the infantry part of a cohors equitata (mixed cohort), by adding some cavalry with the same shields.  On the subject of the shields, they seem rather fancy - I wonder if a whole unit would have been equipped with such fancy shields.  Common sense says probably not, but I have been surprised before - even 'common' Roman soldiers seem sometimes to have have owned very fancily decorated kit.

Copyright © Dr. P.C. Hendry, 2010